State Govt 1090

State Dial 1090

The Ministry of Women and Child Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India has launched the Safe City projects in eight (08) pilot cities (Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai & Lucknow) to promote safety of women in India. The Empowered Committee of Officers under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Women and Child Development Ministry, has approved this initiative funded by Nirbhaya Scheme.

The implementation of the Safe City Project currently in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, is a centrally sponsored Scheme with 60:40 costs sharing between Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh. The project aims to create a safe, secure and empowering environment for women in public places, to enable them to pursue all opportunities without the threat of gender-based violence and harassment. It also aims to prevent and curb all forms of crimes against women and girls in public places by providing safer urban infrastructure and efficient access to law enforcement agencies. Uttar Pradesh has become a preferred destination for higher education, tourism and investment.

Owing to this the safety of women is also a concern for the city authorities. Also, It is very often acknowledged that women and girls living in low-income urban contexts are disproportionately affected by safety hazards such as gender biasness violence, unstable housing, inadequate sanitation facilities & inadequate lighting in certain public places.