

हर घर वृक्षारोपण

The RCL Group Foundation is dedicated to creating a sustainable future by focusing on environmental conservation and achieving the india' Sustainable Development Goals. Our mission is driven by the belief that every individual has a responsibility to protect the planet for future generations.

RCL Group is a global agribusiness company primarily engaged in the cultivation and processing of agricultural commodities, including oil palm, rubber, and cocoa. They might have plantations in various regions, depending on their specific focus and operations. If you have any specific questions about RCL Group's plantations or their activities, feel free to ask!

Tree plantation might not be the total solution to climate change, but it surely helps create a greener and much healthier future. When you talk about tree plantation, it’s not rocket science. All you need is an expert and a knowledgeable team to get things done at the right time. And that is what Nelda can help with.